The realization that life is too complicated and too full of things has been in my mind lately, so I've been trying to simplify. I look around my house and try to figure what else I could get rid of. I read Better Homes and Gardens and watch TV shows on how to organize my life. I talk with friends and read books that will make me a better person. In the end, I realized that I was just giving me even more to do. It is a vicious cycle!
So I finally came to the conclusion that I can't do this on my own. I do agree that my life is full of things to do that really don't need to be done, but I can't simplify my life on my own because the devil is the one making me think I have to do all of this. And he also makes me feel guilty for not doing even more! This is a spiritual battle. I need God! So last week I started praying for a simpler life and God started answering that prayer in His own way, without me even realizing what He was doing.
When Friday arrived I was busy preparing things for Sabbath. Fridays sometimes are my busiest day. I cleaned the kitchen after breakfast and put bread in the oven. Then I looked around and realized I didn't have anything else to do! I tried to think of something but really couldn't! It was the strangest feeling as this has never happened to me. At least not that I can remember. So I got to spend lots of time with the people I love the most and I even got to straighten my naturally curly hair, something I hadn't done in months!
Sabbath went to church and got to spend a really nice day with friends and family and on Sunday decided to go on a hike in the woods. I hadn't gone for a winter hike yet and Sunday was a little warmer than it has been, and the sun was shinning, so it was perfect. And what a beautiful hike it was. The cold air felt very clean and pure. The trees have a different smell in the winter, and I loved the sound of me walking on the snow. I could also hear little chickadees singing while flying from tree to tree. It was so calm and beautiful. Got to see 2 sled dog teams practicing too. It was great!
Today I went shopping. I wanted to be done in less than 2 hrs, but 3 1/2 hrs later I was finally coming home. The cool thing is that I wasn't stressed and I actually had a fun time. And tonight, I was planning on spending some time in the kitchen, but instead I turned the stove and the kitchen lights off, and curled in the couch with my hubby and watched a movie.
It's so incredible to realize God's work in my life. He's answered my prayer in amazing ways. And the funny thing is that even though I'm feeling more calm and relaxed, I've still managed to get things done around the house and the family is not going hungry. Oh! And I haven't even done a to do list!
How sad to think though that so many times I waste so much time trying to solve things on my own, when the One who created me and knows me so well is readily available to help me. I could've gone to Him right away. It's great to know though that He takes care of me and that He'll help me to have a more simpler life so I can focus on what's truly important: Him!
"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10