November 11, 2011

Love cup

Have you ever heard of the love cup? Dr Kuzma, a child educator, explains that every child has a love cup that needs to be filled and it is the parents' responsibility to keep that love cup overflowing. When the child's love cup is full, home life becomes much easier not only for the child, but also for the parents! Home turns into a happy and safe place.

I believe that all of us have a love cup that needs to be filled and life is so much better when we feel loved and feel secure in knowing that.

A few weeks ago I came home from a difficult day emotionally exhausted and drained. My son asked me how I was doing and I told him that I had had a hard day and was a little sad. He came close to me and asked me if my love cup was empty. He had never asked me that question before, but we had talked about the love cup a few weeks prior. I looked at him and told him that yes, that day my love cup was pretty empty. Soon his little arms were around me and he started kissing my cheeks while asking if my love cup was already full. I told him it was full up to my knees so he continued hugging and kissing. Then I told him it was full up to my waist. A few more hugs and kisses until my love cup was filled up to my neck and after nearly drowning in hugs and kisses I told him my love cup was overflowing!!

Tonight we were talking about the love cup again when we started wondering if God's love cup was full. We were quiet for a few moments and then started telling God how special He was to us.

Have you noticed how everything in life is about us? We are born selfish creatures and struggle against that natural tendency for the rest of our lives. In our day-to-day we are constantly focused on us, each other, work, family, friends, what to eat, what to dress, or where to go. So much is about us. Even God is completely focused on our well being and the plan of salvation was made because of us. God is constantly working to keep our love cups overflowing.

But what about God's love cup? Have you ever thought of that? Who fills His love cup?

I believe that our love for Him keeps His love cup overflowing! When we turn from our selfish life and decide to follow Him with all that we are, His love cup gets filled up. When we look at the amazing nature around us and acknowledge Him as Creator, His love cup gets filled up. When out of love we decide to follow His commands in spite of our natural inclinations, His love cup gets filled up. When we tell others about our Amazing God, His love cup gets filled up. When we trust in Him with everything in our lives, His love cup gets filled up. When our first and last thoughts of the day are about Him, His love cup is filled up. When we praise and worship Him because of who He is, His love cup is filled up. And our love towards Him keeps His love cup overflowing!

He has done everything for us. He has given of Himself for us. Doesn't He deserve at least our praise and worship? Our love? What about taking a few moments right now to fill God's love cup with your praise and adoration?

"The LORD is gracious and compassionate, 
slow to anger and rich in love. 
The LORD is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made. All Your works praise you, LORD; Your faithful people extol You.
They tell of the glory of Your kingdom and speak of Your might, so that all people may know of Your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom. 
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and Your dominion endures through all generations."
Psalm 145:8-13

Trasured Moments

My day began early, just as the sun was giving a slight hint of its impending coming. I sat in the quietness of the living room looking...