The new year is barely here and I've already had to grow so much through pain, though I must admit I'm fascinated by what's me.
When my father passed away several years ago, the pain was so unbearable that I thought life was going to end right there and then. I remember being so angry at God that I asked Him to forget I even existed. I look back at all these years since that extremely difficult time in my life and can see now how God has used that experience to bring me wonderful things and shape me into a different and better person.
So right now I have this fresh wound in my soul that is bleeding and hurts a lot, and even though I naturally want to retaliate, whine, and be angry, there is this greater force giving me peace and strength and helping me know that this is not my battle. Well, sometimes I do whine and complain. Job did. It's only human, but here's what I'm learning about pain: God doesn't waste pain! We live in a bad world that is so far away from its Maker, where pain and suffering are daily occurrences, but God, in His infinite wisdom, longs to transform our pain into something beautiful. If we let Him, He'll do an incredible work in our lives through our difficult experiences. His work of transformation can be so amazing that we won't even recognize ourselves. In the end, we will be even more in love with our Heavenly Father. I know I am, even if it has taken me a few years to get here.
From pain God can make us stronger, our faith increases, and we learn to rest in His arms of love. We become humble and learn to trust in Him. We become more aware of the needs of others, and we can even become an encouragement to those who go through the same experience. Pain can also bring us closer to our friends and loved ones. We learn not to make the same mistakes and become more confident. There is an inner transformation, the gentle work of the Holy Spirit, that makes us better persons. God picks up the broken vessel and creates something even more beautiful than the original.
Isn't it wonderful to know that God has the ability to make something beautiful out of our painful experiences, and we don't have to suffer in vain?
Now think about your own painful experiences. I don't know what they are, but I do know that this world is an expert in pain. I know it hurts and it feels really, really bad. But I want to encourage you to ask God right now to transform your pain into something beautiful, just like He knows how to do so well. Tell Him that you don't want the pain to be in vain and that He has permission to pick up the pieces of your broken soul and recreate a new and even better you. If you must go through this experience, at least the end result can be a good thing.
I know God is already doing beautiful things through my pain. I also know He's not done yet, so I'm curious at to what else He's going to do in me. But until then I'm going to curl up in His arms, maybe shed a few more tears, and simply wait...
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. "
Ecclesiastes 3:11
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this
world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the
John 16:33
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