The other day I was driving out of the post office’s parking lot and had to stop for a lady to cross to her car. I don’t know how old she was. She had long gray hair, was wearing baggy pants with a dark t-shirt, and had tennis shoes on. Her shoulders were curved and her face was marked with wrinkles and worry. I don’t think she looked the way she did because she was old. She didn’t seem very old. I think she looked the way she did because she was weary. I may be wrong, but I believe body language speaks volumes. I looked at her and thought about her life. What was it about her life that made her stop taking care of herself? Was it because she didn’t care or was it because she was too tired to care?
What is the purpose of life? Have you thought of it? Why are you here? And why do you do the things you do?
The truth is, if it weren’t for Christ, there would be no purpose!
Often I think of what this world would’ve been if God didn’t have a plan for our salvation, or if Jesus had ran away from the cross. Can you imagine the world we would’ve lived in? We would have been at the complete mercy of satan and I have a feeling my generation would’ve never existed because we would all be dead long ago. Satan only brings suffering and destruction. This earth would be long gone.
But God had a plan. We were His children, His creation. He wouldn’t just lets us go. He wanted back what was His. So He had a plan. Sin came with consequences, eternal consequences, so Christ was going to take that punishment for us. Only someone without sin could do that, and no human being is without sin. We are all born with a natural tendency to separate ourselves from God. So Jesus took our place.
Lovingly and willingly, Jesus laid down on that cross, opened his arms, and allowed the Roman soldiers to nail his hands and feet to the cross. He could’ve have very well escaped that horrible and unjust torture. He could’ve sent a legion of angels to kill everyone involved in his death. But His love for us was so great that He stayed on that cross.
But what does all of this have to do with the purpose of life? Well...everything!
Without Jesus’ death, this life would be it. We would live it, die, and that’s it! Nothing more. Only death...eternal death. We would have a meaningless existence for I don’t know how long and then poof! Gone!
But with Jesus’ sacrifice, this life is just a stepping stone into a better one. A MUCH better one! I can live this life knowing that this is not it. I may still die, but if I accept that immense love, my death won’t be eternal. Soon, in His perfect time, Jesus will come and call all His family to move home with Him. Those who had died and those who are still alive.
Isn’t that great?
And even here on earth we can live with the joy, peace, and comfort of knowing that this is not it! We may have trials, problems, suffering, sickness, but we know that this is not it. The pain is momentarily and daily we are getting ready for our home in Heaven. Jesus overcame the world and came to give us abundant life in Him. And as I go through life here on earth, I can share with others God’s immense love, His plan to rescue us from the devil, and the new life He has in store for us. An eternal life of heavenly bliss!
"I have come that you may have life, and have abundant life!"
John 10:10
" Then I saw a 'new heaven and a new earth', for the first heaven and first earth had passed away. God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Revelation 21:1,3,4