August 03, 2012

To a Wonderful Woman

God has placed some incredible people in my life, but there’s one in particular that has had a lasting influence in my existence from an early age. This summer I got to spend a few weeks with her, and what a remarkable woman she is.

I don’t know if it is because I’m older or because I'm a mother, if it is because of where God has brought me in my walk with Him, or maybe a combination of all, but this time I saw her with different eyes. We've been together a lot, but this time it was different, and I truly enjoyed what I saw. Let me tell you a little about her.

She has the most beautiful smile. Her face lights up when she sees me and it makes me feel happy. I just have to smile back. Her smile transmits love and joy, and through her eyes I can see how much she cares.

She’s humble. She doesn’t exalt herself. She wants others to feel their best. And when I’m with her, I do feel my best and I can’t stop sharing how wonderful she is. She’s also very generous, no strings attached. She gives from her heart. She would give me the world if I needed it. She likes to help, and loves to surprise me with little things and sometimes with big things. I know she wants the best for me.

She’s pure. She focuses on the future and where God is taking us. She really doesn’t care about the past, unless it brings glory to God. She looks at the good in people and there’s always something good to find. When I’m with her I feel motivated to be even better. She’s such and encouragement.

She’s very talented and quite the artist. If she doesn’t know how to do something, she’ll figure it out and learn what she needs to learn. She’s an amazing musician. She plays her piano with passion and the simplest piece of music becomes a masterpiece under her talented fingers. I could listen her play for hours!

She loves her husband and her children. Her grandchildren are a crown in her head and  she loves them with all her heart. She truly enjoys spending time with them, reading, playing, and listening to them. There’s just something about grandparents and their grandchildren. Some day I’ll figure that out.

One thing that I’ve always admired in her, is her ability to make us talk and share. I think it may be because she’s a great listener, but I truly enjoy our conversations, and this past summer we got to spend hours and hours talking. And our conversations are always so interesting. Love it!

Of all the wonderful things I saw in her, I always ended up saying the same thing: Jesus shines through her! I can see that she's been spending time with her Savior because I see Him in her. The Bible says that by beholding we become transformed, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that she has been beholding Christ!

This remarkable woman is the one God gave me as my mother, one of the greatest blessings in my life and what a role model she is to me. I too want to be an encouragement to others and I want them to feel their best when they are with me. I want to only see the good in people. I want to be humble and pure. But most of all, I want to reflect Jesus in everything I say and everything I do. I want people to look at me and see Jesus. I want my life to glorify God just like my mom’s life does.

Right now we live worlds apart. There is a big ocean separating us and we get to see each other maybe once a year. Thankfully the internet keeps us in touch daily, but I miss her hugs, her warmth, shopping and trying new recipes together, or thinking of new and better ways to decorate my house. I miss our cello-piano duets. I miss seeing her playing with my son or sitting at my desk chatting with my siblings on the computer. I miss going for walks with her or just sit on the deck chatting while trying to avoid the mosquitoes. I miss walking her to her cabin every evening and I miss seeing her smile every morning when I come downstairs. I miss not having her beside me in the car when we were going somewhere. How I miss her...

You know, the prophet John wrote Revelation when he was exiled to the island of Patmos, and in a vision that God gave him about the new Heaven and the new earth, he noticed that there was no sea. ( Revelation 21:1) Now I love the ocean, but that ocean separates me from the woman I love the most on this earth, so this promise is very dear to me.

I just can’t wait for that day when we’ll walk through the gates of our heavenly home and I’ll get to spend eternity close to this wonderful woman whom God placed in my life.

                 Happy birthday mama. I love you with all my heart!

"Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:  
'Many women do noble things but you surpass them all.' 
 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  
Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
Proverbs 31:28-31

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