At potluck I noticed she sat close to a lady who had recently decided to follow Jesus herself. The two talked and I noticed a smile coming on my friend's face. She was encouraging the new disciple in her walk with Christ and in the process was getting encouraged too.
Right before she left, she came to me, gave me a big hug and said: "I feel so much better!"
I smiled, praised God, and thought: This is what church is for!
I think king David knew this because he was all excited when he got to go to God's house. How wonderful to be able to worship God together with a group of people who are there for that same purpose. And we get to encourage one another and mentor one another, and get the strength we need for a new week. There is that saying that the church is a hospital for sinners. A place for recovering sinners like we all are. I know it's not perfect. I've had my share of less than perfect experiences at church and I'm sure more will come. And yes, sometimes there's heartache and miscommunication. People with different ideas. We're a family and families go through interesting things.
I've learned though, that I don't go to church to receive a blessing. It's really not about me. I go there to be a blessing and to worship my God with my church family. Of course, God's math is amazing and many times, when I'm trying to be a blessing, I end up being the most blessed. And to be a blessing we don't need to do great things. Speaking for myself, I don't think people realize how much a blessing they are just by being there. Sometimes it's just their smile, their hug. Sometimes is praying with me, singing with me, learning their stories or learning about their week. I love that! It warms my heart. And when someone is missing, it hurts.
If you haven't found a church family, I'd like to encourage you to start looking for one. If you haven't gone in a while, for whatever reason, I encourage you to go back to your church family. If you're a regular church goer, remember that you are there to worship and praise God and to be a blessing to your fellow sinners. Whatever your situation, ask God to guide you into that place where you can grow in Him and be a blessing to others.
"I was glad when they said to me,
'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'”
'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'”
Psalm 122:1
"He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom."
Luke 4:16