The two books of Kings describe the generations of royalty that reigned in Israel and Judah. Every time I read about a new king in Israel, I hoped that at least one would do good in God’s eyes, but no. Until the day they were taken captive, not a single king in Israel was good. Judah on the other hand had good kings off and on. Some did right in the eyes of God, others did evil. Maybe that’s why it took longer for them to be taken captive, but even them eventually did.
An interesting fact about most of the kings of Judah is that not only do we know who their fathers were, but we also know the name of their mothers. Manasseh’s mother was Hephzibah. Hezekiah’s mother was Abijah. Azariah’s mother was Jekoliah, and so forth. Often we know whose daughter the mothers were and where they were from. I found it interesting that the Bible tells who the mothers of these kings were and wondered why.
I can’t help to think though, that mothers have an extremely important part in the direction of their children’s lives. The mothers of these kings certainly influenced them for evil or for good. Usually the mother is the main caregiver for the first few months of her baby’s life and the bond formed continues for the rest of that child’s existence. I know that even now as I’m a mom myself, my own mother has an influence on me beyond words. This afternoon I decided to pick up my cello and play a little. One of the songs in my book caught my attention and I started playing it. I recognized the melody and as I played more I began remembering that I had played that same music with my mother years ago. My mind kept traveling to the past, to the many times I played the cello while my mom accompanied me on the piano. She’s so talented. I must say that if I am musical in any way, I owe it to my mom who makes the music she plays on the piano go straight to the heart and soul of her listeners. She’s absolutely incredible on the piano!
My son often asks why are moms so amazing? I smile and hug him, but I have to agree. Moms are pretty special. Mine is going through probably the most difficult trial of her life. Her energy and strength have diminished considerably and she spends most of her days resting in bed. However, even in this most still and difficult stage of her life she’s been an incredible blessing to me. Her inner strength has been an inspiration and I get motivated to be better myself. Her love for her God, humility, and subjection to His will are simply amazing. She’s not worried, but is resting in His plan for her life. I wonder how she can do that at such a difficult time for her, but I know it all stems from the relationship she’s had with God all her life. He’s been there for her before, and is ever so near now too. What a blessing for me to witness this. What an encouragement in my own walk with Christ. I am blessed beyond words. I know I don’t deserve it, but I am so, so incredibly grateful for the mother God gave me.
If you are a mother, remember that you are extremely important in the present and in the future of your child’s life. Whatever you do today will affect their tomorrow. They have the freedom to choose, but you have a great influence in whether they choose good or evil. And if you have a mother, treasure the amazing woman God placed in your life to guide you and love you. Make sure she knows how much you love her too! She’s not perfect, but she is a gift from God to you.
"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her"
Proverbs 31:28
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you."
Isaiah 66:13