April 04, 2011


Tuesday I had to make a short trip in my car. Just three minutes one way. I had been busy working all day, so God used those three minutes alone to help me realize once again, how Great He is!

Miracles... it has been a process for me to understand this aspect of God. Does God do miracles? Without a doubt! How often? Well... in my experience not that often. Or has He? I have thought before that God is not that much involved in our lives. He's there making sure the world doesn't fall from space and that we don't wipe each other from existence, but He's not that involved in our lives in a personal level. I know this is far from truth, but my brain has led me to think like that in the past.

I pray I never go back to that way of thinking because it's a lie! God is always so near to His children, taking care of every little aspect of our existence. He's an active participant in what we do, from the books we choose to read, the meal we order at the restaurant, to the bigger things such as whom we marry, the birth of our children, the house we purchase, our health, and so much more. But for a logical person like me, sometimes God allows me to live experiences that help me realize He is so much bigger than I think! Lately I've been learning about miracles through the stories of three babies. Three amazing babies who have challenged my logical mind and who have no idea how much I have been learning through them.

Last year I had the privilege of witnessing the birth of an amazing little girl who had to enter the world a little earlier then expected. As soon as she was born she let go of a little cry, but then got quiet. As the nurses stood beside us trying to revive her little body, the thought that things could go terribly wrong entered my mind. I started praying intensively and placed her life in God's hands. In an instant her little body turned pink and she started crying. It was the most beautiful cry I've ever heard!

Then the daughter-in-law of a close friend found out she was pregnant. She and her husband had been trying to have a baby, but her previous pregnancies had ended in the terrible disappointment of a miscarriage. Now she found herself pregnant and decided to have an early ultrasound. At 7 weeks it is possible to see the tiny baby with a little heart beating. The baby could be seen during the ultrasound, but no heart beating. It was an incredibly sad moment and I didn't know what to say. I only could pray and that's exactly what I did. Me and several other people prayed for a miracle, because God is the only One who can truly see inside the womb. The Bible says that God forms our body in that secret place and He has a plan for us from that very beginning. So this mother decided to have another ultrasound a week later. As she was in the room I remember sitting with a friend praying and asking God for a miracle. God could...He created us. That wasn't difficult for Him...but it would be incredible for us. And you know what? He honored our request and that day that mother saw her baby with a little heart beating. And it has been beating for almost 30 weeks now. Just a few more weeks and I'll get to meet him!

Several weeks ago a close relative had to be admitted to the hospital due to complications from her pregnancy. She was 26 weeks pregnant. The doctors tried to control her situation hopping to wait until she was at least 30 weeks and then deliver the baby if needed. If you read about premature births you'll find out that babies have a greater chance of survival and fewer complications after 30 weeks. Earlier than that and there's a chance of all sorts of possible problems and complications. Sometimes being a health professional is not very good because you understand the risks. I knew what all that meant so I started asking God to help this mother stay healthy enough for another month until the baby was at least 30 weeks. If she could wait until week 30, I knew things would most likely be all right. But she didn't. At week 28 the baby had to be delivered.

The amazing thing about this beautiful little girl is that she hasn't had hardly any complications at all. She's just been quietly and beautifully growing on the outside what she should have grown on the inside. She spent a little over a month in the hospital and has been home for a few weeks now. She's tiny, but perfect, beautiful... amazing!

And this is what that three minute car ride made me realize. If this baby had been born at week 30 and had had no complications, I would think that it was just because she was born after week 30. But she was born at week 28 and has had no complications. I can't explain that... it was all God!

It is always God. Ever so interested in our lives and on what goes on with each one of us. Always using every situation, good or bad, for our good and to help us grow. I know from these three experiences that I grew a lot. I witnessed the power of an Amazing God who controls everything and who loves us so much. Wow! How can I not love Him back?

I know God doesn't do a miracle every time we have a problem. I don't know why and I really don't have to know. It is for me to only trust. But I know that whatever happens must be for His glory and He has used three beautiful babies to teach this child of His that He is the God of miracles and that I shouldn't be able to explain everything. Some things are truly impossible for me, but possible for Him. What an Amazing God!


"With God all things are possible..."
Matthew 19:26

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