September 23, 2011

It's a beautiful world!

What is beautiful around you? Are you so focused on your daily life that you forget to notice the beautiful things that surround you?

When I used to live in a small town in the south I remember being in awe of the big mountains that surrounded me. They were beautiful, majestic. We lived close to the desert and that had an incredible beauty on its own with miles and miles of sand dunes to play on. Sometimes we would travel up to the mountain tops and enjoy the nature there. I loved the mighty trees, little brooks, and a lake where on occasion we saw eagles or bears. The air felt cleaner and fresh. It was wonderful.

We also lived in the plains of the southwest and the land is so flat we could see for miles. In fact we could see a storm coming hours before it got to us! We didn’t get much rain so it was very dry, but at the same time the land had this unusual and unexpected beauty. There were lots of canyons and I loved seeing the layers of different kinds of dirt and rocks that formed those canyons. The thunderstorms were incredible! And I haven’t seen sunrises like there. They were breathtaking!

Living now in Alaska we are surrounded by amazing nature everywhere. The snow capped mountains are beautiful. There are lakes, rivers, waterfalls and little brooks everywhere. There is so much wildlife that the moose and bear sometimes pay a visit to their neighbors inside town. It’s a tense encounter for some of the neighbors... at least it is for me! During the summer the cities are decorated with incredible flower arrangements that draw our eyes to their amazing colors and beauty. Winters are calm, serene, the land becomes a winter wonderland and many nights the Northern Lights dance in the sky.

This year the Fall colors are incredible! I can’t get enough of all the different colors around me. Some of the trees now have yellow and orange leaves that contrast with the big evergreens. The undergrowth turns orange and red and the mature berries just add to the festival of colors. It’s amazing! We are surrounded by an incredible tapestry of colors.

As I sit by the kitchen window I can see the birch trees with their leaves mostly yellow. The contrast with the evergreens right beside them is amazing. We had a pretty big rainfall last night, so the ground is speckled with little birds feasting on worms and seeds. A little squirrel is trying to muster some courage to get close to the bird feeder to gather some of the sunflower seeds that fall to the ground. Little birds are busy flying back and forth and they fill the air with their songs.  Many of the leaves from the trees have fallen to the ground and now the lawn is covered with a carpet of yellow birch leaves. Once in a while a breeze blows and more leaves come down as if golden glitter was falling everywhere making the scene even more magical. In the distance I can see  fog resting gently on top of a hill.The air is so fresh and wet and the temperatures haven’t gone up past 45F. It’s a perfect Fall day!

Surrounded by this incredible beauty my heart is drawn to the Creator of it all. It’s impossible not to be in awe of Him. If I think this is so beautiful, what will Heaven be like? And how did the world look like freshly made from the hands of my powerful and loving God? It must have been incredible!! And to think that He did it all for me. God didn’t create Adam and Even in the beginning. First God personally crafted a beautiful place, a beautiful home for the very first 2 human beings. And on the seventh day He rested from the work of creation and simply enjoyed the day with Adam and Eve. Together they enjoyed all that God had made and given to them, 2 people whom He loved so much.

Take a moment and think of the beautiful things in nature that surround you. There’s beauty everywhere! It may even be the beautiful plants that adorn your home or the sky above. Focus on that more often. Focusing more on the beautiful nature God has given us gets our mind and heart away from ourselves and turn them towards our Heavenly Father.

Have a beautiful day!

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...and God saw that it was good" 
Genesis 1:1, 25

"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." 
Genesis 2:1-3

September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001

I can’t believe it has been 10 years! September 11, 2001. I remember getting out of bed and checking my email and as I browsed the web I read the news about airplanes hitting the World Trade Center. At first I wondered if that was a very poor April fools joke, but this was September, not April. I turned the TV on and for the rest of the day my eyes were glued on the screen watching what was going on in New York. I don’t remember doing anything else but just staring at the TV in disbelief. I think the events were so horrible and unreal that my brain was having a difficult time processing what my eyes were seeing.

It has been 10 years and today the country remembers and mourns the thousands of people from all over the world who have lost their lives that day. We also remember the people whose lives were changed for ever and we also remember a country that was changed. Things are not the same.

But even though the country went through some changes one thing is for sure. It became stronger! The sleeping giant that was awaken at Pearl Harbor in 1941 became stronger on September 11, 2001. It’s people got closer to God and to each other. And as long as this giant remains connected to God, its source of strength, it will remain strong!

"It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure."
II Samuel 22:33

September 02, 2011


I think the beauty industry is guilty of false advertisement! Anti-wrinkle creams don’t prevent wrinkles. Anti-cellulite lotions don’t prevent cellulite. Orange is not a beautiful natural tan as much as those tan-in-a-bottle want me to believe so. Teeth so white that glow in the dark are not helpful for night sleeping. Shampoos that create volume stop working after a certain age (if they ever work.) Breast implants don’t last a lifetime. Clothes that look good on models don’t look good on me. Nail polish comes out after I wash my hands a few times!

The list could go on and on and on...

The beauty industry wants me to believe that they have the best definition of beauty and most of us spend 10, 20 or more years trying to reach that goal of perfect beauty. We forget that there’s a lot of photoshop in the beauty industry and unless you’re a model or Hollywood actor for a living, which most of us are not, it is a lost cause! We spend a lot of precious money and time trying to look like them and this has caused a lot of frustration and heartache for us who live in the real world.

Here’s what I’m learning about Hollywood beauty: it doesn’t last! It may last while you have the make up or the designer clothes on, but when those come off that’s it! No more being beautiful. At least not according to them. And what does Hollywood know about real life anyway?

So I’m campaigning for beauty in the real world. The beauty that lasts and doesn’t cost me much! Because here’s what I’m learning about true beauty...

The most beautiful feet are the ones who run to carry good news to a friend. The sexiest legs are the ones who walk for miles to bring some form of relief to someone far away. The strongest abs are the ones stretched by the months of carrying a baby in the womb.   The sexiest shoulders are the ones used for a friend to cry on. The most beautiful arms are the ones used to embrace a friend or loved one. Truly beautiful hands are the ones of those who work in soup kitchens or hospitals, who bring flowers to a sick friend or do anything in the service of others. The sexiest lips are the ones who speak words of comfort and encouragement. Beautiful eyes are the ones that only see the good in others. The sexiest hair is the one sold by the mother to feed her children or the hair that is growing back on a cancer patient.The most beautiful face is the one engraved with those wrinkles around the lips and eyes from smiling so much. The hottest muscles are the heart muscles, strong from loving much.

This is true beauty and is one that can last a lifetime without fading and without any creams or lotions. And tt’s free for that matter! And the Bible agrees with me (or do I agree with the Bible?) when it tells us to let our beauty come from our hearts and not with elaborate hairstyles or with decorating ourselves with gold. Will I still be beautiful when the hairdo gets undone and the gold comes off?

Have you realized that the Bible says that the beauty that comes from your heart is of great worth to God? It doesn’t say that about pretty skin. It’s time to redirect our focus and search and find true beauty. And sorry Dove, but you’re still not it! The only place I’ll find real beauty is in Jesus. Everything about Him is beautiful and the more I am with Him, the more I become like Him.

I may not have Brad Pitt’s nose or the curves of J Lo, but that’s not what beautiful is anyway. Here’s the truth about being beautiful and I hope I will always remember this:

The world’s most beautiful person is not the one who spends much time in front of the mirror, but the one who spends much time at the feet of Jesus.

I really hope that when I get older I’ll have those wrinkles around my eyes from smiling so much. I’m going to invest on becoming the world’s most beautiful person and that will last...well, forever!

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 
I Peter 3:3,4
“ But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord, And the Lord makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.” 
2 Cor. 3:16,18
“ Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your world” 
Psalm 119:37

Trasured Moments

My day began early, just as the sun was giving a slight hint of its impending coming. I sat in the quietness of the living room looking...