The little birds' music was so beautiful that I wanted to join in, so I just started singing too. As the sound of my voice rose to the air, the songs of the little birds started to quiet down, and soon I noticed I was the only one singing. All of a sudden I realized I had the solo part of this big choir, so I continued to pour my heart to God in song as my feathery friends listened. In a way it was as if they knew that a princess, a child of the King of kings, the most important part of creation, was singing, and my song had priority over theirs. After several minutes, one little bird started singing with me. It was so cute and so beautiful. The two of us continued singing until soon, other birds joined in for their part as well. Not long after that, a choir of little birds joined us breaking out into the most beautiful song. And so we stayed there, that beautiful summer morning, praising our Creator in song!
A while back I was talking with someone about praise and worship, and they were telling me how some people and some churches truly know how to worship. This friend was referring to worship services with lots of music where people sing with their hands raised up high, who clap during songs, and who shout their praises to God in a nice and audible manner. Now while this is a form of praise, it's not the only one, and it doesn't even mean it's the best one. Having a good time during praise is not the best indication of a good praise service.
The best praise is the one that comes from the heart, and that can come in many forms. For me, that summer morning, was singing with little birds, but it can happen in so many ways. A heart filled with awe and gratitude towards God is the one who praises the best! I've praised God through my tears, through a smile while watching the sky in wonder, through song, or even by pouring my heart to Him in prayer. Praise can come from the compassion we show to others, the way we talk to our spouses and children, and by being there for our friends. Praise comes in as many forms as there are people in this world.
Praise must come from the heart, and our heart is what God wants. Often He told the Israelites that He didn't want their sacrifices if they kept their hearts away from Him. We could do everything "right", but if we keep our heart far from God, none of those right things have value.
Today I encourage you to give your heart to God and pour your praise and adoration on Him in a way that only you can do it. You know your walk with Him and what experience you are living right now. Either way, right now, it's a great time to praise God. And if you give God your heart, you may be surprised at the way praise will come out of your life. It may be in tears, it may be in prayer, it may be in singing... even in singing with little birds on a sunny summer morning.
Photo by Bill Kasper
"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare."
Psalm 40: 5
"I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises."
Psalm 34:1