March 08, 2013

Waking up...

The blending of the end of winter with the beginning of spring is fascinating. The white landscape is slowly transforming. As I sit outside on the porch watching this transformation happen, I can't help but be amazed. The snow is calmly melting off the roof giving the impression that I'm in a rain forest by a small waterfall. Other times the snow comes down the roof with a force that makes me think of an avalanche! Little birds fill the air with their joyful songs and happily spread all over the seeds that fill the feeders. After several months away, I finally saw a squirrel this morning. My dog is loving having her little friend back to play catch with. Walking through the woods earlier today made me think that soon we'll see baby moose playing in the yard and that somewhere buried in the snow there must be a bear getting ready to wake up from hibernation. Winter is coming to an end, and nature is waking up from it's slumber. Spring is coming!

It's interesting to notice all the object lessons we get from nature. The Bible also says that it's time for us to wake up from our slumber. Why? Because Jesus is coming! Can you see that happen in your life? Does the idea of His soon coming fill you with excitement? Do you look forward to spending time with Him every morning? Are you eager to share with others all the wonderful things your God does for you? Are your lips full of praise because of who God is?

If not, then it's time for you to wake up from your slumber! How? By asking God to fill you with His love and by putting on Jesus Christ. He must be your everything. Seek Him first. It's the only way to enjoy the abundant life He so wants to give you.

Happy Spring!

"The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."
Romans 13:11

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