March 12, 2013

Like seeing stars

It had been one of those beautiful sunny days, filled with activities and play. As the day neared it's end, I sat by the window looking outside. The snow covered landscape has become even more beautiful with the shinny sun, and I was admiring nature getting ready for the night. Little birds left the feeders and quietly sat on the trees. The sky was now getting darker and I could see two little stars already shinning up above.

As my eyes got used to the changing light, I realized that there were a few more stars already shinning. In fact, the more I looked up to the sky, the more stars I found! There were many already sending their glittery light down to earth. It was beautiful and I couldn't help but think how incredible that the stars had been there all along, but I just couldn't see them yet. All I could see at first were the two brightest stars.

This made me think about relationships and people we meet. How many times do we meet someone and make a judgement based on what we see, but as we get to know them we start seeing more and more of who they truly are. Just like I could see the two brightest stars at first, so many times when we meet someone all we can see are the things that are right in front of us.

But people are a lot deeper than that, and as we get to know someone, we start seeing more and more of themselves. And often we come to a completely different conclusion about a person than what we first thought.

No wonder the Bible counsels us not to judge anyone. We only see the surface. To see deeper we need to get to know them, develop the relationship. If we don't get to know them deeper, than we should be content with the thought that everyone is a beautiful child of the King of kings. A potential heir to the kingdom of God, and someone worthy of our love and respect.

That's what Jesus did, and we're supposed to be like Him, right?

"You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one."
John 7:24

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