April 02, 2013

Super clean!

The Bible never ceases to amaze me! It's incredible that after all these years, (well, not that many) I still find new things to learn. It's truly an endless well of treasure! And it's incredible that some things I've read over and over and even have them memorized, but I sill find something I hadn't seen before. Amazing!

And what an incredible treasure I found this morning as I read Psalm 51. How many times have a read this? It's a beautiful Psalm, written by a man with a broken heart in desperate need of God's forgiveness, but also full of hope in His love and mercy.

"Have mercy on me, O God" it says. "According to your unfailing love, according to your great compassion blot out my transgression." Psalm 51:1

As I read these words I just had to say that if God was to cleanse David of his transgression according to God's unfailing love and compassion, than David was going to be super clean! Because God's love and compassion never end. They are bigger than the universe! So if God was going to have mercy on David this way, there is NO WAY possible David was going to continue unclean with sin. NO WAY!

David was a forgiven man, as if he had never sinned. So much that God, several years later, reprimanded another king for not being like David who followed God's commands and did only what was right in God's eyes. (I Kings 14:8) How cool is that?! For God, it was as if David, the one who committed adultery and murder, had never done anything wrong. Actually, had only done right in God's eyes.

How wonderful to know that God's forgiveness is complete! He says He'll forgive and forget and He does! And what we do in God's eyes is the most important.

If you are struggling with sin be confident that you can run to God for forgiveness and restoration. His love for you never ends, and neither does His compassion and mercy. He wants to forgive you and restore you. He wants to cleanse you from sin completely. Blot it all out of your life to be gone forever! God will make you whiter than snow. And then He'll look at you and see that you've only done what was right in His eyes.

" Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (...) Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."
Psalm 51:10,12

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