April 04, 2014

Treasure hunt

Treasure hunts are something we love in our household. Birthdays, Christmas, and just because are great reasons for a treasure hunt. In fact today, my son hid my cell phone and strongly encouraged me to go on a treasure hunt to find it. It had clues and all! Treasure hunts are just too much fun. We get to read clues which lead us to more clues, which takes us to places in search of some treasure. And then we find it,  the treasure: a new bike, a new book, new golf clubs, a surprise birthday party, or even my much needed at the time cell phone! How fun!

Recently my son and I were reading the Bible and he wanted to, once again, read the genealogies of Jesus found in Matthew and Luke. He loves reading all those very different names, trying to pronounce them all correctly. We have read those Bible texts so many times that I think he's memorized most of the names. As I listened to him reading the genealogies again, I thought of the treasure hunt. The Bible is the ultimate treasure hunt! It is filled with amazing clues. Some are really easy to understand, others require some thinking and even some growing, but the clues are all there making sure we get to the treasure. And it is quite the treasure: Jesus! He is the best gift, the best end of the treasure hunt. 

I want to encourage you to go on this treasure hunt. Grab your Bible and enjoy learning and finding the most wonderful treasure of all!!!


"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 
2 Corinthians 4:7

"When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!"
Matthew 13:46

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