July 05, 2016

Worry free!

 I love early mornings because they can be so calming and refreshing. Exactly what I need at the beginning of my very busy days. This morning I read the story of creation in Genesis 1, a story I have read since I was a child, so I know it well. The Bible however, is a well of amazing never-ending discoveries and once again God showed me something new in a story that is so familiar to me. Have you noticed how much work it took to create this whole world? All God did was speak and things happened. If I could speak my work into being, I could get so much done!! Yet if we look closer, God did not speak a bunch of stuff into creation all at once. He took His time. The first day all He did was create light. How long do you think it took Him to say, “Let there be light”? Not very long. And when he finished speaking, there it was, beautiful light that He got to call day. And that’s it! That was the first day. Evening and morning of the first day. He didn’t create anything else until the second day. And on the second day all He did was to tell the waters to separate into two groups: waters below and waters above. Nothing more! The same pattern went on for the whole six days of Creation, with the exception of when God created mankind out of the dust of the ground on the sixth day. God slowly, gently, and with extreme perfection put this world together, one day at a time and then on the seventh-day He rested. Not because He was tired, but because He wanted a full day of enjoying all the beautiful work He had just done. In His love and wisdom, He gave the seventh-day as a day of rest for us too.

As I read the story of Creation with this new perspective for me, I was reminded of several Bible texts. Throughout scriptures God is calling us to rest, to take things calmly without rushing. Often He tells us to be still. He asks us to come to Him when we’re tired, because He will gives us rest. He tells us not to be anxious or to worry about anything. The Bible also says that in the last days people will be rushing here and there and the book of Ecclesiastes speaks often of all the toil we do under the sun as meaningless. Do you notice a trend here?

Life can be very hectic. In fact, when you ask someone how they are doing, people don’t answer with an automatically “I’m fine” any more, but answer instead with just one word: “busy.” Humans are very busy. I know I am. We are constantly bombarded with information that tries to incite us to do more and more with our time and organize our life better so we can do even more. There are many things calling for our time and attention. We are too busy, but God does not want us to be. He doesn’t want us to live this chaotic, anxiety and worry filled lives we have been living. He wants to live a life of peace and calm, as we faithfully and gently work for Him.

Today, look at your busy schedule and see what can be crossed off that ever growing to do list. Looking at mine I can see plenty of opportunities for improvement. And then go enjoy your day. Spend time with your family, your friends, and serving others. Take care of your body and your mind. Truly stop and smell the flowers. Sit outside and soak in some vitamin D from the sun without a cell phone in front of your eyes. Just sit and be. We’re not guaranteed the future, so let’s use well the present.

Of course the devil will always be tempting us to do more and more. He knows that we’ll forget the important things in life when we’re preoccupied with the cares of this world. The wonderful thing is that we don’t have to try to simplify our schedules alone. God is ever available to help us. His strength is the one that is perfect, not ours. He is the One who is all powerful. Our part is to go to Him. His part is to give us rest. Sweet, beautiful rest.

“... seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase.” 
Daniel 12:4
“Be still, and know that I am God.” 
Psalm 46:10

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 
Matthew 11:18

“Do not be anxious for anything.” 
Philippians 4:6

“Do not worry.” 
Matthew 6:31

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