August 14, 2010

Mommy's kisses...

" As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." Isaiah 66:13

I think it is fascinating how a mommy's kisses can fix almost anything. The child falls and scrapes the knee, or the child hits the head on the table while playing underneath it. Mommy kisses the owies and everything is ok. And a mother's kisses can fix more than these little physical pains. Problems with friends, inability to reach the goals...a mother's loving arms and soft kisses can calm the emotional discomforts of the lives of her little children. Anyone who's a parent can testify of this. It's incredible and I believe this is part of God's healing comfort to us.

My Heavenly Father is like this and so much more. His loving embrace can heal any wound. He is Powerful to heal any physical pain, but mostly He heals the wounds of my soul. He lifts me out of the darkness and places me in His light. He removes the heaviness from my heart and replaces it with His peace. My God can fix anything! And I have the assurance and comfort that everything He does is for my well being because He loves me!

And He loves you...

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