April 25, 2011

Two suitcases!

There I was, sitting in the middle of my bedroom, surrounded by my stuff, trying to decide what to bring. I was having a hard time deciding on which clothes would work better for the weather and what else could I take with me. It was not going to be a short trip.

Less than 6 months before I had gone through the most difficult experience of my life. I had lost my father to cancer and my life, as I knew it, was being changed forever. I was angry with God and had told Him to forget that I existed. If after all the prayer for my dad He hadn't healed him, which I knew He could've so easily done, then I didn't want anything to do with Him anymore!

But there I was on the floor, trying to decide what to bring to the next chapter of my life... a chapter that God was writing, even though I had told Him to forget me. God had placed in my family's life some wonderful friends who came together at a most difficult time for us and provided for our needs. And one of the ways they did that was by paying my way through school at a Christian university in the United States. This brought some direction to my life, for at that time I felt lost.

All I could bring on the plane were two suitcases. They laid there open on the floor while I put in and out the things that I thought I would need for the next 4 years while I finished my degree. I just couldn't decide on what I would need or could bring and I was there in my room for several hours trying to make up my mind. My mom came to my rescue and with her help I was able to decide on what to bring. We closed the two suitcases and put them close by the door.

It's been almost 15 years since that day. During my college years, God introduced me to a wonderful man and friend who asked me to be his wife. I didn't go back to my home country as planned, but now I can see that this was part of that new chapter of my life that God was and has been writing. Living and growing with my husband has been the most wonderful experience on my life. He is a blessing in so many ways and after all these years of being married, I can see how God has blessed me in so many amazing ways every single day of my life. Not one day has been wasted by Him. After some spiritual growing, God blessed us with a gift straight from His hands that we plan and are working on taking to Heaven: our child. What a joy! And I have learned so much since being a mom and I so understand not only that children are a blessing from God, but also that we need to have a heart like a child if we want to inherit Heaven!

During these past 15 years God has placed amazing people in my life, great friends, people who have helped me in my growth. In fact, my whole life is surrounded by amazing people! People whom God has used to shape me in to the person I am today and I am so grateful for every single one of them.

 The Bible says that God sets the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6) and this is so true! I am so glad that sometimes God answers our prayers with a no because that's exactly what He said when I told Him to forget I existed!

15 years ago I brought two suitcases with me for my new life. I think now we need a semi-truck to haul all our blessings!

Thank you Heavenly Father for Your love that I know I don't deserve. I love You too...

" God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigners residing among you, giving them food and clothing"
Deuteronomy 10:18

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling"
Psalm 68:5

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