May 13, 2011

In the middle of the storm

Have you ever felt that God was far away? Especially when going through a trial? I know I have... in fact I'm wanting to feel that way right now. But even though I feel discouraged at this moment, there is this amazing book that tells me I am not alone during this time. When I read the Bible, the book that reveals to me the Awesome God I serve, I learn that when I'm going through difficult times, God is right beside me. How comforting to know that I don't have to rely of my ever changing feelings to know that God is always with me.

So even though I am in the middle of a storm right now, I know I am not alone. Even though I don't see the sun shining, I know it is right behind the clouds, and I just need to quietly wait until the clouds go away. And they will. A storm never lasts forever :)

Last week we celebrated Mother's Day and we gave roses to the women of our church. As I was preparing the roses I was having an interesting time trying to remove all of the thorns from the roses. Some of those thorns are pretty small and difficult to remove. I was thinking how such a beautiful flower can have such annoying little pokey stuff all over its stem. Then I thought that while on this earth we will have to feel the thorns that sin has caused, but God can remove all of the thorns. And one day, very soon, He will!

One day, very soon, He'll send His Son Jesus to come get His children and take us to a place where sin will not exist and where I will live forever, through eternity, in the bright and beautiful presence of my God. Can't wait!

Until then I'll just ride the storm praising God, because that's what He created me for, to praise Him. And I only have reasons to do so!

"We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.
Romans 8:28

"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength, 
they will soar on wings like eagles,
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

1 comment:

  1. Minha querida i have been só distant from you... And i did not realiz your going to a storm. Life has caught with me too... And there are days where I just move on... Tonight be assured of my prayers. Love you immensely Sheilla


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