August 18, 2012

Just like the butterfly

I don't know how long it had been there, but when I noticed it, it stayed in the same place at least 2 more days. A little butterfly had landed on one of the flowers of the pot on the porch and just didn't leave. I nudged it gently, but it didn't fly away. It's wings were closed and the butterfly didn't want to go anywhere!
It had been raining for almost 2 weeks and so I thought it must have been a new butterfly and was waiting for the sun to dry its wings and then fly away. I was half right.

Two days later we woke up to a beautiful sunny day. I checked on the butterfly and it was gone. I couldn't stop thinking on how fascinating it was that the little butterfly didn't move while it was raining, but then as soon as the sun came up, it opened it's wings and flew away. I did a little research and this is what I found out. Butterflies can't fly well in the rain because they can't fly with wet wings. So they usually settle in a safe place and stay there until the sun shines and they can fly again. If their wings get wet, it is extremely difficult to fly, and some can't fly at all. And what if they land in a dangerous place?

How fascinating that the butterfly knows when to fly and when to wait. I so wish we humans had also the wisdom to know when to move and when to wait. I don't know how about you, but I'm finding it difficult to slow down. I just gotta keep moving, keep doing things, just going, going, going until my wings get wet and then I'm forced to lay still where ever I land! And not always do I land in a nice and safe place.

God wants to impart to us this wisdom of waiting. So many times He tells us to wait... when it's raining, when the conditions around us aren't the best, we should just find a safe spot, preferably at the feet of Jesus, and wait until the sun is shining again. If we don't do this, the results can be very painful.

 It's difficult for us humans to wait. We're so impatient. We want things done right now! If we have problems, we got to get things back to normal, pain free, as soon as possible! And we live in an age where we are constantly bombarded with information. We have to be plugged in the whole time! We are constantly on our ipads, laptops, and phones. Have you noticed how the news channels have all kinds of other news going on the screen while they are talking? Talk about information overload. And this can be all so addicting that we don't take the time to just sit down and relax. And what about our to do lists? They just keep growing and growing and we cut down on sleep, family time, and other important things so we can get all of those things done. And we still think there's not enough time in the day to finish everything! I'm tired just writing about all this!

We need to slow down!

I encourage you to slow down. Stop what you are doing and listen to God's voice. What is He saying? Move when He tells you to move, but until then wait for the rain to stop and for the sun to shine again. Just like the butterfly :)

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31

"Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!"
Psalm 27:14

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